Tag Archives: exercise

Hangover Helper

All photos from Cupcakes and Cashmere.

If you partied a little too hardy for Mardi Gras last night, you probably woke up this morning with a nasty hangover.

A quick search on WebMD revealed that there is no cure for a hangover. The only sure solution is prevention: drink in moderation or abstain from drinking entirely. But before you panic, there are steps that you can take to minimize the aftereffects of a night out. Follow these steps, and you’ll be back to your fabulous self in no time.

1. Put effort into your appearance. While it is extremely tempting to skip your morning routine, don’t let this happen! If anything you need more personal attention than usual. Take the time to shower; it will leave you feeling refreshed. Follow your usual make-up routine and pull your hair off of your face. It will make you look more polished, and you’ll be needing that.

2. Drink plenty of fluids. Grab a tall glass of water, juice or a sports drink. It’s important to rehydrate and replenish your body with Vitamin C and electrolytes. While it may be tempting to grab a cold Coke or strong cup of coffee, step away from the caffeine. It will only continue to dehydrate you.

3. Get some exercise. I’m not talking about a 10-mile sprint, but do something to get your blood flowing and your heart pumping. I suggest taking a relaxing stroll outside. You’ll enjoy soaking up some sunshine.

4. Take a cue from the guys. Check out this article from BroBible.com about the 25 best hangover food and drinks. While these foods deliver absolutely no nutritional value, there is something to be said for greasy foods the morning after a wild night. The article suggests drinking a Bloody Mary; the tomato juice and celery provide a boost of vitamins, and your body focuses on processing the new alcohol, thus ignoring last night’s binge.

5. Catch up on your Zzzs. People sleep poorly after a night of drinking, so you’re already not getting a full night’s rest and on top of that, your body is actively processing the alcohol in your system. After your day is done, come home and crawl under the covers. From Health.com, here are 7 tips for the best sleep ever.